Rose Growing 101
Do you think that beautiful roses are difficult to grow? Well, think again! It’s easy to be confused with so many rose growing recommendations and suggestions offered on the internet, in books, on product packaging, and, of course, from well-meaning friends and fellow gardeners. If you begin, however, with good soil, proper planting, and ideal nutrients, growing gorgeous roses becomes a cinch!
Prepare the Soil
The most important step in growing healthy roses is proper soil preparation. Good soil is essential to nourish roses so they can grow to their full potential. To make sure that your planting soil is ideal for growing roses:
- Take a sample of your existing soil to test the pH. Roses like a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. You may need to add lime to raise the pH or sulfur to lower it to the optimum rose range.
- Incorporate plenty of Master Nursery® Bumper Crop® Soil Builder [Eastern & Midwestern Regions | Western Region] or Master Nursery® Bumper Crop® Soil Conditioner [Western Region] into your existing soil. Specifically blended to enhance your native soil, these products provide superior drainage and are an excellent source of nutritious organic matter required for the long-term health of your roses. There is simply no better product on the market to ensure exceptional growing conditions for nurturing magnificent roses.
Planting Roses
Properly planted roses will provide you with years of stunning flowers and reduce supplemental care substantially.
- Select a sunny spot with good soil drainage – roses require at least 6 hours of full sun daily. Early morning sun is preferred because it dries the leaves, which helps prevent disease.
- Dig a wide, shallow hole that is 2-3 times as wide but not quite as deep as the root ball (about 1 inch shallower). The plant should sit on solid ground, so it doesn’t sink when the soil settles.
- Remove the plant from the pot and loosen any circling roots.
- Place the plant in the hole slightly elevated above ground level.
- Backfill with soil that has been richly amended with Master Nursery® Bumper Crop® Soil Builder [Eastern & Midwestern Regions | Western Region] or Master Nursery® Bumper Crop® Soil Conditioner [Western Region], until the hole is full and all roots are covered.
- Apply 2 inches of mulch around the base of the rose, being careful not to mound mulch against the stems of the plant. Mulch will help to conserve soil moisture and reduce the need for weeding around the plant.
Food and Water
Roses need the proper nutrition – water and fertilizer – to bloom well, develop stunning colors and fragrance, and keep insect and disease at bay.
- Roses thrive best when given 1 inch of water weekly. A thorough soaking from rain or hose will keep roses bloom potential at an all-time high. Try not to overhead water unless it is early in the day, to assist in the prevention of leaf disease, such as black spot.
- Fertilize at planting time and then monthly with Master Nursery® Bumper Crop® Rose and Flower Food, a real powerhouse fertilizer, specially formulated for the nutritional needs of roses.
Catch Trouble in Time
There are times when roses will succumb to diseases and pests, but proper soil amending, planting, feeding, and watering will substantially reduce this risk. Keep an eye on your roses and be diligent to react quickly if a problem arises. Your Master Nursery® Garden Center will help you to identify any problems that may arise and will recommend the appropriate action to take.
Stop by your Master Nursery® Garden Center for an exceptional selection of quality roses, a knowledgeable staff to answer all your rose questions, and the exceptional Master Nursery® products you’ll need to make your rose growing experience a cinch!