FAQ For Prospective Members
Who is eligible for membership in MNGC?
Owners of independent, full service retail garden centers with minimum annual sales of $300,000. At least 33% of the sales must be from garden center green and hard goods. Potential members must have good credit and be members in good standing in their own communities.
What are the membership fees?
There are no monthly or annual fees, provided minimum annual purchase criteria is met. There is a one-time membership fee of $1995.00, which will be inclusive of $500.00 worth of MNGC private label products. New members joining from markets not serviced by distribution partners will have the $500.00 credited to their account. The membership fee should be recouped within the first year by taking advantage of co-op pricing offered by Master Nursery vendors.
Once I become a member, are there on-going requirements that must be met?
Members are required to purchase at least $50,000 annually from Master Nursery approved vendors. In addition, they are required to keep their account in good standing by paying invoices on time.
Can I be a member of MNGC and also a member of other buying groups?
It does not make sense to be a member of our cooperative and also a member of another buying group. However, some garden centers take a few months to transition from one group to another.
What advantages does MNGC have over other groups?
One of the distinct advantages of Master Nursery Garden Centers is that it is member owned. Our only responsibility is to help our members thrive; there is no one else to whom we are accountable. Members elect our Board of Directors and through them have a role in establishing the course of our future. Master Nursery is the largest organization of its kind in the retail garden industry, giving us more clout and the ability to offer more programs. We believe we have the best discount programs, including our graduated green goods discount, which allows members to earn up to 18% discount from green goods growers. We have aggressive discounts on hard goods, gifts, and business services. Members receive extended dating and annual rebates from many of our vendors. And last, but far from least, is our line of private label products. These are exclusive trademarked brands that are only available in Master Nursery Garden Center stores. They are all premium products that have been tested to be equal or better than other brand name competitors. Bumper Crop® is our premium brand of Organic Soils and Fertilizers; these products are quickly becoming a customer favorite in markets where they have been introduced.