Master Nursery Products Overview
Master Nursery branded products are all premium products developed specifically for home gardeners. Master Nursery’s goal is to provide a product that is equal to or BETTER than other national brands so that our members can offer their customers the finest garden products, only available at Master Nursery Garden Centers.
For instance:
- Our Organic Bumper Crop Soils and Bumper Crop Fertilizers provide today’s gardening public with top quality soil amendments and fertilizers, carrying either OMRI or CDFA Organic Certifications.
- Our Granular Fertilizers are formulated to provide the optimum amount of the three main ingredients of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potash) for each type of specialty plant. In addition, they also include trace elements like calcium, iron, manganese, zinc or sulfur that can be extremely beneficial to plants.
All Master Nursery brand products are 100% guaranteed.