FAQs for Vendors
What is the advantage of being an approved vendor to MNGC?
Approved Master Nursery vendors gain immediate credible access to over 500 of the top independent garden centers in the country. Our centralized billing program eliminates credit checks and collection issues for all vendors as all invoices are guaranteed by the co-op. All approved vendors are encouraged to participate along with Master Nursery Garden Centers (MNGC) in key regional trade shows. During the trade shows, select vendors may be asked to participate in our regional member meetings.
How can our company become an approved vendor to MNGC?
A prospective vendor should contact our office via email at info@masternursery.com with your company profile, and expect a timely response in 3-5 business days. Master Nursery will evaluate your value as a vendor based upon product offering, quality, price, and terms.
Is there a fee or cost to become a vendor?
There is no fee to become an approved vendor to the cooperative. Approved vendors are expected to give members preferential prices and terms. There is no specific discount required as products vary substantially. Our management team works with each vendor to establish appropriate programs for our members. The cooperative is compensated by earning a negotiated percentage of vendor sales to all members, excluding freight, through our central billing process.
How does central billing work?
Members order directly from each vendor. Vendors deliver the product directly to the member and then send the invoice to the cooperative’s central office. The cooperative invoices the members (for the exact amount billed to them by the vendor), and the member pays the cooperative. The cooperative then pays the vendor’s invoice minus the agreed upon discount.
What is the role of the Master Nursery member support person?
The objective of the new Master Nursery Garden Center cooperative is to function as a catalyst between our members and our vendors. The sales and member support representative’s primary responsibility is to help the member optimize the value of their membership. To do so, our sales and member support staff is charged with the responsibility of insuring that our members are aware of vendor programs, promotions, and specials. They also insure that our vendors are billing through the co-op and providing correct pricing to our members.
Do you accept competing vendors?
Yes. Although, we attempt to limit the number in specialty areas.
If a company is an approved vendor, does that mean they can produce products under the Master Nursery brand?
No. Being an approved vendor is different from being a producer/supplier of Master Nursery products. While the cooperative has about 140 approved vendors, there are only a small number of suppliers for the Master Nursery branded products. Master Nursery branded products are produced by outside suppliers under contract with us. Because these are OUR products and we guarantee them, it is imperative that the private label suppliers meet our specifications and expectations. We work closely with our private label vendors regarding all aspects of production, packaging, and distribution.